A few weeks ago, on Instagram, we asked if you had questions for our boss lady, Bianca. These involved questions about business tips, work life-balance, etc... Bianca is answering some of your questions today!

"Most important thing you've learnt through your business journey?"
You can work as hard as humanly possible to plan everything to a fine detail but there are always factors you can't control. And if something can go wrong it most likely will. While planning is essential, problem solving and pivoting are just as important. If 2020 taught us one thing, it's that sometimes you have to accept and face new challenges.
Situations can change rapidly and things don't always go as planed!
"How do you balance your life as a business owner and mum?"
Let's start by saying, it's not easy. With two young children, I had to accept the idea that "it takes a village to raise a child". I'm not alone, Tom and I work as a team and support each other so our family and Capra Designs can thrive. Tom's parents live near by which comes in handy. This year, Banjo started school, and Etta is in daycare three times a week, allowing me to work efficiently. I really try to be 100% with them when they are with me so I end up working most nights. It's a constant juggle but I wouldn't have it another way!

"What was the thing you missed the most during lockdown last year?"
Apart from seeing my family and friends, I terribly missed being able to sit at my local cafe while doing my emails. While I work in a solo most of the time, I try to at least work from different locations to get a dose of human interaction and change of scenery. It was so challenging for me not to be able to interact with human beings, saying hi to my barista, hearing other people conversations... It's a really stimulating and dynamic environment which really helps me get things done.

"Tips for new business owners?"
Firstly, push through the fear!
Keep everything in-house until you have the cashflow to outsource. This will give you knowledge and understanding across the entire business. Then when you're more established stop working in the business and start working on the business.
I hope you enjoyed this little Q&A!
Thanks for stopping by today!
xx - the Capra Designs team