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Article: How to care for Tillandsia (Air Plants)

Tillandsia Air Plants

How to care for Tillandsia (Air Plants)

Tillandsias, or air plants, are delightfully low-maintenance companions. I've enjoyed the company of two for over a year now, and they’ve generously gifted me with three pups. Though, I must confess, my first attempt at keeping an air plant ended in tragedy. I relied solely on misting for watering, which wasn't enough. While misting creates the humidity Tillandsias adore, it doesn’t provide the thorough hydration they need.

Watering Rituals

During the summer, immerse your Tillandsia in water for about half an hour once a week. In winter, you can ease up a bit. After their soak, give them a gentle shake to remove excess water and place them in a sunny, well-ventilated spot to dry. They should be dry within 4 hours, though 1-3 hours is ideal.

air plant


Finding the Perfect Light

Tillandsias thrive in bright, filtered light. Avoid placing them in direct sunlight, especially during the intense summer months, as this can cause sunburn.

Propagating New Life

When you're ready to create a new plant from a pup, wait until it’s 1/3 to 1/2 the size of the mother plant. Gently twist the pup from the base of the mother plant with a downward motion.

The Blooming Journey

Each Tillandsia will flower only once in its lifetime and will gracefully fade away about two years after blooming. However, throughout this period, your plant will produce many more pups, ensuring a continual cycle of new life. Cherish your mother plant, and she will reward you abundantly.

Showcasing Your Tillandsias with Elegance

Our trays offer the perfect stage for your Tillandsia to shine. Arrange your Tillandsia on our trays and place them in a spot with bright, filtered light to let them thrive. With proper care and our exquisite trays, your Tillandsia will become a captivating centrepiece in any room.


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